365 Things.

The hardest part of this project is sorting through the daily endowment of blessings to find the one that inspired me most.  Although I don't write daily, the gift I do highlight is a compilation of 365 different blessings not necessarily in any order.  All the blessings are good gifts and remind me of my greatest blessing, His grace and compassion, His love.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

6. A Quickee

Today I'm grateful for this quick blog. I'd love to spend more time, but I'm out of time today. I get to wake up tomorrow early to go jogging at 5:00.

I'm also very grateful for the those really quick neck massages my husband gives me at the end of the day...the day that has been busy and tiring without me saying a word that it was. Not that I don't say a word because usually I do, although he seems to know anyway. 

Thanks, Tom.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

5. Dirty Bottoms

There is something about dirty feet that makes me smile. These are Travis' beauties. His dirty feet are the easiest to capture because he enjoys running around without shoes.

Dirty feet mean to Travis...
1. I've had a fun, productive day
2. I was allowed to keep the unwelcomed shoes off
3. My feet are tough
4. I don't care that everyone else is wearing shoes
5. I could be Amish
6. My mom gets to rub my feet before I climb into bed

Dirty feet mean to me...
1. I'm a good mom
2. Acceptance for what is
3. I provided enough entertainment to produce the dirt
4. My little one is tough
5. I accept myself as other moms look on
6. Privileged to wash them after a play-filled day

Monday, September 15, 2008

4. Family Night

My daughter (who is 11) asked on Sunday if we were having Family Home Evening tomorrow. I cringed inside knowing I didn't have a lesson planned and using the chaotic back-to-school madness as my excuse. "Why?" I asked trying to hide my self-imposed embarrassment.

"Because I like it." she beamed reminding me of when she was four years old. If that doesn't count as a tender mercy, I don't know what does.

I'm so thankful for family night. We learned about the Holy Ghost tonight; when I say we, I literally mean me. Teaching my kids is always such a learning experience for me.

On the white board, Travis drew his interpretation of the Holy Ghost which reminded me more of fire than anything; coincidence? I think not. Makayla wrote "The Holy Ghost teaches me wrong and right." Matthew drew a picture of where the Holy Ghost resides; it was a stick figure in red marker with a large section near the heart where the Holy Ghost dwells.

Near the end of the lesson they began to fight because Travis prematurely erased the white board. But I'm certain they felt the truth of what was taught when I began speaking directly from the heart, "The way the Holy Ghost helps me is by letting me know when I'm close to my Heavenly Father; I feel a peaceful feeling." Even though the 'peace' in the lesson only lasted a moment for my testimony, I know their hearts are touched forever.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

3. Two Ears and One Mouth

Today I'm most grateful for my ears. Initially I wanted to write about being thankful for music, but suddenly realized I get to acknowledge my ears first. I am blessed with 2 ears and 1 mouth for good reason. Have you ever just kept quiet and listened to the music around you?

The movie "Autumn Rush" is about a prodigy who has the ability to hear music in every noise. Sometimes I want that gift, especially when my children are at odds or it's 10pm and the house isn't still.

But most importantly, I'm grateful I can hear Travis say, "I'm thirsty about water" or Matthew's infectious laughter (Tom recorded this for me for mother's day because I love it so much) or Makayla express her opinion about mothering, fashion or most recently boys. Oh, and how can I forget the romantic prose Tom recites to me, my favorite being, "Thanks for choosing me for this life experience." No, thank you.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

2. Time

My main blog is less than a month old. I started it to prove to myself that I could do what seemed like most of my friends had been doing for so long. And although I don't have an addictive personality, I'm addicted to blogging. 

Because I don't write in my journal often and want to preserve my thoughts in the moment, I find blogging the perfect antidote. This 365 things blog enables me to express my gratitude daily for my blessings and the tender mercies from above. 

Today I'm grateful for TIME. If I didn't have time, I wouldn't be able to blog! A girl in my ward and I run at 5:15 about 3 days a week allowing me extra time in the morning before the kids wake up. 

After I run, I come home and just lay on the living room floor in meditation and prayer for at least 1/2 hour. This simple act renews my spirit and I am so grateful I have the time for that renewal. 

Running gives me the energy during the day to get everything done including my alone time at night for a moment to exhale. 

Friday, September 12, 2008

1. Gratitude 101

This blog is for me to express openly the gratitude I feel each and every day of my life.  It also is a record of my progress as a writer. I'm not a writer, but I found a new love for words. I've never considered myself as creative; intellectual, yes, but not creative.

So, here begins my embrace of a new year honoring my right brain in accepting my femininity without apologies. 

Yesterday was Sept. 11 and marked the 7th year memorial of our country changing forever. As I walked onto my porch before taking the children to school, I noticed our neighbors had their flags raised in honor. 

A feeling of gratitude swept over me because of my life, my family, my freedom! "Thank you, thank you soldiers for your labor of love" as tears fill my eyes. May their service always be remembered.