Three weeks ago I started a body cleanse removing sugar, caffeine, soda, artificial sweeteners, eggs, gluten, dairy, nightshade vegetables, nuts, and corn from my diet. After the first 7 days, I introduced a food group for 3 days to determine any allergies.
I thought for sure I was allergic to corn because of a mild stomach ache. Yesterday was gluten Tuesday, and I introduced gluten back into my diet. I am reconsidering the corn allergy. I think it was nothing compared to heartburn, headache, stomach ache, nausea, and extreme moodiness from the bread I ate.
I'm not giving up on my love affair with bread, but am holding out for possible candida problems and only having issues with yeast and sugar for the time being.
And yet, the gratitude I felt today was after I went to Trader Joes for groceries and I filled my home with delicious, healthy food without preservatives, refined white sugar, or chemicals. I can be satisfied eating a healthier lifestyle without missing out on the foods that damage the cells in my body.
I felt content. Even vital.