365 Things.

The hardest part of this project is sorting through the daily endowment of blessings to find the one that inspired me most.  Although I don't write daily, the gift I do highlight is a compilation of 365 different blessings not necessarily in any order.  All the blessings are good gifts and remind me of my greatest blessing, His grace and compassion, His love.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

48. Healthy Food

I suppose I never knew I wouldn't be able to eat whatever I wanted forever. And no one talks about exercise being vital for vitality, and yet, it is. 

Three weeks ago I started a body cleanse removing sugar, caffeine, soda, artificial sweeteners, eggs, gluten, dairy, nightshade vegetables, nuts, and corn from my diet. After the first 7 days, I introduced a food group for 3 days to determine any allergies. 

I thought for sure I was allergic to corn because of a mild stomach ache. Yesterday was gluten Tuesday, and I introduced gluten back into my diet. I am reconsidering the corn allergy. I think it was nothing compared to heartburn, headache, stomach ache, nausea, and extreme moodiness from the bread I ate. 

I'm not giving up on my love affair with bread, but am holding out for possible candida problems and only having issues with yeast and sugar for the time being. 

And yet, the gratitude I felt today was after I went to Trader Joes for groceries and I filled my home with delicious, healthy food without preservatives, refined white sugar, or chemicals. I can be satisfied eating a healthier lifestyle without missing out on the foods that damage the cells in my body. 

I felt content. Even vital. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

47. Travis' Flower Offerings

Parenting. This week at my worst, I felt like a failure. Trust me when I say getting a job would have been both beneficial to me and them.

And a far better option than... 

Thankfully, Travis picked me a flower from the pot outside our front door and saved me my embarrassment.  It's a rare occurrence; to have a flower in the pot that is.  He always picks it for me if one's there. 

And that's what keeps me from running outside with cash when the gypsies pass by.

It's also what keeps me watering that ugly plant.

46. Vacuums

The benefits of living near the ocean include sand all over the house, always. 

Somehow, the summer months never yield quarter cups of sand on the carpet. And, I forgot what it was like after the flip flops are tucked kindly away until next time. Flip flops can't hold sand like soccer cleats or close toed shoes.

Imagine life without vacuums. Picking up granules with pinched fingers never quite being able to enjoy dirt-less carpet again, ever.  

I've owned my favorite vacuum for 10 years or so; a refurbished filter queen, too bulky for my kids under 12.

So, I own 2. One for them and one for me.