Driving in the car to drop off some checks at the bank, Matthew started asking me questions about my mom.
I brought him home after the class art project because his nose was profusely running and irritating his upper lip.
Travis and Makayla were both at school, so we were sort of on a date.
Matt: Were you sad when your mom died.
Me: Yes, I cried a lot.
Matt: Did you cry where ever you went?
Me: Well, if I was going to the bank I wasn't crying because I was busy at the bank. If I was home and thinking about her, I would cry; and sometimes now I cry when I think about missing her.
You know, my mom knows more than me so sometimes I wish I could call her up and ask her questions.(simultaneously questioning in my mind if I don't need her advise once I'm 42)
(This was also a reminder to him that I am supposed to be smarter than he is, which I know he wasn't buying)
The woman at the teller window looked down at Matthew and called him handsome and said he looked like me. Then she said she sensed we would always be close. Strange and yet it wasn't.
Matt: (as we were leaving) Don't forget, your mom has the force now.
Me: Oh, ya. That's right, she does.
Matt: She is all around.
Me: Do you see her?
Matt: Yes. Every day.
Me: What is she like?
Matt: She is upset right now.
Me: Why is she upset?
Matt: She misses you.
What a beautiful example of how children are capable of understanding much more than some people give them credit for. My husband was in part raised by his Grandma Genevieve (it's who our daughter is named for); she passed away over 20 years ago; but we like to speak of her to the kids because she was so important to Dave. Genna talks about her all the time. How she used to be afraid of looking out her window at night, until she saw Grandma Genna out there. She explained how she looked so nice, and that Grandma watches her and takes care of us. It was a beautiful sentiment, and I love how Matt was able to express that to you.
Melissa, your writing skill is exceptional and your sterling character exudes beautifully. . . I treasure the memory of an occasion that I had to help clean your Huntington home when your mother was ill. Her efforts to teach you and your siblings to develop your testimonies and talents has blessed your life.
Thank you so very much, Melissa, for letting me glimpse your world. Four of our families also have blogs that help me stay abreast of their lives and my nine beloved grandchildren.
Your Grandma Ruby was my special friend and shared my interest in nutrition and natural healing. I had to return to Indiana about 1991and she invited me to stay with her for several nights. We had a delightful time together. . .
Have you considered writing professionally? Thank you again, Melissa, for sharing. . .
Sister Aleen (Brown)
Markle, IN 1985-1990
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