365 Things.

The hardest part of this project is sorting through the daily endowment of blessings to find the one that inspired me most.  Although I don't write daily, the gift I do highlight is a compilation of 365 different blessings not necessarily in any order.  All the blessings are good gifts and remind me of my greatest blessing, His grace and compassion, His love.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

45. Testimony

Although I enjoy playing the piano in primary, it was fun to do something different today. I was the only girl in the Sunday School room with 10 boys, 3 of which will be baptized this Saturday. 

After random sharing, snack, and a brief course on "No Side Talking" (my sweet 12-13 year olds in Utah can appreciate that!), we started learning about how the Sacrament can remind us of our covenants we made at baptism. Yes, we.

During an object lesson, one brave boy came to the front of the class, and I promised him a pack of gum if he did 10 jumping jacks. When he finished, he was shocked when I refused to hold up my end of our bargain. This is where they all turned on me. In disbelief, the rest of the class gasped. 

But the tumult was short lived when I began to bear my simple testimony that Heavenly Father will NEVER do what I just did. He will always keep His promise. 

Of course everyone walked away with bubble gum filled pockets, but my pockets also had the love and the spirit of a sweet testimony. 

Sunday, August 23, 2009

44. Overheard Comments

Driving home from our hiking adventure the other day, I overheard Matthew say, "1000 resurrected spirits". Random, I know. But funny because it was so random.

Or what about Travis on the way up to our hike, "I want to eat snow." We live in Southern California, really? And even on the hike he kept asking where the snow was.

I laughed out loud...the belly laugh kind that opens your lungs and heart. 

My favorite one this week was, "This is best day of my entire life!" or "It's raining babies."

You think I'm kidding?

Friday, August 21, 2009

43. Summer Reading

You might wonder why the title isn't Fall/Winter reading because there is no such thing as uninterrupted reading in summer. 

But the title is Summer Reading because of the great quote I found in the last of my books I chose for the summer. 
  • Grapes of Wrath, 
  • Of Mice and Men, 
  • My Antonia, 
  • Peace Like A River, 
  • The Alchemist, 
  • Magnificent Obsession, and 
  • The Russian Concubine. 
The quote is by C.S. Lewis:

Empty your boat, seeker,
and you will travel more swiftly.
Lighten your load of craving and opinions
and you will reach nirvana sooner.

Absorb it. To be free of opinions and cravings...fixed beliefs and entitled blessings...black magic and envy. These are magic words. 

Sunday, August 9, 2009

42. Music

I actually didn't get to number 42 without subtly mentioning music. You read about it in my 3rd post; having two ears and one mouth and my gratitude for being able to even hear music.

Or in my 11th post quoting the song, "My Savior's Love". Music is in My Children's Laughter, and where I find most of my inspiration.  

This whole experience is a dance with music if you can only be open to hear it and/or create it. It's in My Song.

Music evokes emotion and connects me with my spirit. Music is the language of divinity. It is my language. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

41. The Present Moment

If I name at least 52 things of gratitude per year, I will finish this project in 7 years. 39 more days until this first year is complete, and I haven't met my goal. My biggest regret is missing the month of July entirely. Apparently, abundance does involve gratitude!

In this moment, I am abundantly blessed. The future looks lean. The future looks fat. 7 years of this; 7 years of that. 

Travis literally begged me to lay with him while he went to sleep tonight. He couldn't wait for me to throw in a load of laundry; he was drifting and didn't want to miss out. 

As I laid there with my eyes closed, I felt the comfort of that bed with a roof over my head and a belly full of vegetarian dinner. (No, that is not an oxymoron.) I am grateful for the present moment of abundance of love, comfort, and safety. 

Tomorrow is another day and who knows what might happen. The roof might spoil, the food might be gone, and the bed might cave in. Unless it doesn't.