365 Things.

The hardest part of this project is sorting through the daily endowment of blessings to find the one that inspired me most.  Although I don't write daily, the gift I do highlight is a compilation of 365 different blessings not necessarily in any order.  All the blessings are good gifts and remind me of my greatest blessing, His grace and compassion, His love.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

51. Valentine's Day

In honor of Valentine's Day, Travis and I arranged the memory cards in the shape of a heart. This is my favorite holiday and not because I get showered with chocolate and flowers and gifts of pampering...although those things are nice.

Valentine's Day is the day I feel free to show love to everyone without having to have a reason because that's all I see around me. I also see people around me who can't see it and that makes me sad.

I attended a funeral of a friend last week. She died at 39 of cancer leaving her 4 year old son and husband behind. The husband spoke of his wife during the memorial. He told jokes and honored his sweetheart the best way he could. He almost made it through sharing without shedding one tear drop until he looked up and saw and felt the love of everyone in that very room. Everyone bearing his burden and mourning right along with him...he felt that human connection only available through His perfect love.

And that is exactly why I love LOVE. It has the power to dissolve fear, rejection, sadness, loneliness, hate, and even loss. In this very room, is quite enough love for one like me, all of us, and all the world.

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